about sleep hero

About Us

Sleep - there's nothing quite like it.

And yet, with all the stresses of the modern world, it's becoming increasingly more challenging to enjoy a night of good ol' shut-eye.

While the emotional and psychological aspects of sleep cannot be ignored, the physical side of it - finding the right sleep products to help you sleep well - is just as important.

That's why we at Sleep Hero UK are committed to helping our readers find the best mattresses, beds, and sleep accessories to suit their needs.

Good sleep, after all, really does matter.

about sleep hero

Who is Sleep Hero?

We're a team of super enthusiastic sleep addicts from around the world who test hundreds of sleep products and share all of it - the good, the bad, and the uncomfortable - with you.

Our mission is to help millions of consumers make better choices more easily.

And we want to help you make the right choice for your sleep ... because good sleep matters!

Sleep Hero UK was created in 2019 and is part of a global network of partner sites run by the Airi Media [1] conglomerate.

sleep hero world map

🇧🇷 Brazil: Hora da Soneca

🇫🇷 France: Quelmatelas

🇩🇪 Germany: Sleep Hero Germany

🇮🇳 India: Sleep Hero India

🇮🇹 Italy: Ciaomat

🇲🇽 Mexico: Héroes del Descanso

🇳🇱 Netherlands: Matrassencheck

🇵🇹 Portugal: Heroi do Sono

🇪🇸 Spain: Mejores Colchones

🇬🇧 United Kingdom: Sleep Hero UK

We're constantly growing and expanding to new markets, helping us explore the sleep world globally and sharing our experiences more widely.

Meet the team

The Sleep Hero UK team comprises a host of sleep and ergonomics experts, sleep therapists, physiotherapists, product testers, and, of course, writers, designers, and developers who make the content accessible.

Andrew Green

Sleep Therapist

Björn Steinbrink

Sleep Coach

Caroline Rolland


Nacho Lacomba


Pâmela Peixoto

Massage Therapist

Romsy Barrios

Medical Doctor

Susanne Willekes

Sleep Coach for Children

Walter Braun

Mattress Expert

Constanza Colombo

Product Testing Manager

George Arkley

Content Writer

Holly Matthews

Senior Content Writer

Katharyn Duffy

Content Writer

Maryna Lievshyna

Graphic Designer

Michal Matej

Web Developer


Editor & Certified Sleep Therapist


Head Of Cuteness

Pawel Nowak

Web Developer

Read more about the Sleep Hero UK team.

How we operate

We are committed to our editorial independence, and our content remains well-researched, unbiased, and transparent at all times.

You can rest assured that:

  • Our reviews are unbiased and written by a team of independent content writers.
  • We have an extensive research process that informs all of our content.
  • We work with a team of global sleep experts to fact-check our articles.
  • Articles and product recommendations are updated regularly to ensure accuracy.
  • Our content and product rankings are not sponsored.
  • Products sent to us free of charge do not guarantee positive reviews.
  • All products are tested by independent product testers or members of our editorial team.
  • Where possible, products are tested in the Airi SleepLab, our state-of-the-art testing facility.

We rely on affiliate partnerships with key players in the UK sleep industry to finance our website.

Our affiliate relationships do not influence our product rankings.

Please refer to our Editorial Policy to read more about our content research process and affiliate partnerships.

You can also read our in-depth Research Methodology to see how we test products.

In the press

While we enjoy being behind the scenes, showcasing the UK's best sleep brands and awarding our "Sleep Hero Recommended" logo to products we love, we also don't shy away from being featured on other sites.

If you would like to feature Sleep Hero UK in a brand article or interview, or chat to one of our team about interview opportunities on sleep-related matters, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

We're also proud to announce that we are one of the sponsors of The Sleep Charity's "Sleep For All [2]" conference, taking place on 23 and 24 February 2024.

the sleep charity logo

Contact us

Would you like to ask us a question or give us feedback?

We're always happy to help.

You can reach us by sending an email to sleepherouk@team.airi.media or completing the form on our Contact page.

And if you enjoy our content, please consider leaving us a Trustpilot and/or Google [3] review.

Frequently asked questions

  • When was Sleep Hero UK founded?

    The Sleep Hero UK site was launched in 2019 with one simple goal in mind: To help people better navigate the sometimes overwhelming world of sleep products.

    Born from a genuine passion for improving sleep quality and a dedication to providing honest, fair, and detailed reviews, our commitment to demystifying mattress choices has set us apart, quickly establishing us as a trusted advisor in the sleep industry.

    Today, we stand proudly as a leading destination for mattress and sleep product reviews in the UK and a trusted advisor in the sleep industry. 

  • Who is Airi Media?

    Airi Media [1] is the parent company of Sleep Hero UK and all our partner sites.

    In this media hub, technology meets storytelling with one goal: Helping consumers make better choices more easily.

    With a presence across 20 websites in 8 languages and a yearly audience surpassing 10 million visitors, Airi isn't just about reaching people - it's about genuinely helping them navigate the complex world of choices. 

  • Where do you test products?

    We value at-home testing and have an advanced testing facility, the Airi SleepLab, in Portugal.

    The Airi SleepLab is equipped with extensive tools and sleep technologies to measure everything from temperature to support and comfort in mattresses, pillows, and other sleep accessories. 

    The facility is designed to scrutinise each product under various conditions, helping us fully understand how each item matches different sleep scenarios. 

    But we also bring products into our homes, putting them to the ultimate test - real-life usage. 

    This blend of stringent lab evaluations and hands-on home trials enables us to provide scientifically solid insights grounded in personal experience.

    It's our way of ensuring that our recommendations are reliable and relevant to your daily life, helping you make well-informed choices for your sleep sanctuary.

    You can read more about our whole testing process on our Research Methodology page.

  • How do you maintain your independence and impartiality in reviews?

    At Sleep Hero UK, safeguarding our editorial independence is crucial.

    Our reviews are unbiased and crafted by expert sleep writers who bring an objective lens to every evaluation.

    We never promise glowing reviews in exchange for freebies.

    Moreover, our affiliate partnerships have zero sway over our rankings, guaranteeing the integrity and honesty of our content.

    This approach ensures you get the real story when you read our reviews, helping you make informed decisions with complete trust in our transparency and impartiality.

  • Are reviews updated regularly?

    Yes, indeed!

    We pride ourselves on providing up-to-date and accurate information to our readers.

    Our reviews are regularly updated to reflect any product performance or availability changes, ensuring you always have the latest insights to inform your purchasing decisions.

  • How can I contribute content or suggestions?

    We're always keen to hear from our community!

    If you've got insights, feedback, or a top sleep tip you're eager to share, there are several ways to get in touch:

    Every contribution or suggestion you make enriches our collective journey into the world of sleep, so don't hesitate to reach out!

  • References

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